Saturday, May 8, 2010

Shaolin Liuhequan (少林六合拳)

Wow! Awesome! Amazing! It is very hard to teach kids, these two must be exceptional. Awesome form and awesome kids. I wonder who their teacher is?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Shaolin Xiao Hong Quan - 03 - Performed by Shi Guo Song

When I think of Asian martial arts, I think of mystical techniques, incredible body maneuvers that require dedication and practice. Today MMA is the "Hot" martial art, but MMA is not a martial art, it's a sport. The concept of MMA is bull too. Most martial arts are in fact MMA if the include long and short range fighting techniques as well as ground and weapons techniques. I like practicality,but I don't like following the norm or doing what everybody else is doing. I've seen very few MMA fighters doing anything significant, and the few that do something different are the real martial arts to me. A martial artist (in war or combat or sport) does what nobody expects to gain an advantage! Much like the Gracie's did with their style of Jujitsu.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Sometimes you just can't find a school that suits or meets your needs. When that happens, you have to train yourself. It's possible, in fact one of my favorite martial arts axioms is "Create Yourself!". Another one is "steal my techniques". Well, there is so much information out there now, you owe it to yourself to search out useful material. Check out the following:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tai Chi 24-form

I love Tai Chi, but don't get enough Martial application from it. I really enjoy attempting to apply what I can to my hapkido training and to typical karate forms. There is a lot of criticism of traditional karate training these days. Unfortunately, without a good root (stance) power suffers. And a good root comes from stance and form training... done right. One thing Tai Chi teaches the karate practitioner is how to move. How to oscillate or reciprocate your movements and how to do it all from the legs. Not from one stance, but while moving. Empty your cup and drink some Tai Chi... you may be surprised at the benefits!

Don Angier, Yoshida-ha Shidare Yanagi ryu

I've read a small amount about Don Angier and even so, was very impressed. Luckily, there is film footage available showing Mr. Angier's skill. I find this video incredibly inspiring! Ah.. if only I had more time! Well, make the best of what you have, find the truth in your practice and fill every motion with quality.

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